Do not hesitate to contact us.

Where to find us

Company headquarters

V Korytech 3234, Praha 10 – Strašnice, 100 00


Correspondence address

Lyžařská 123, Špindlerův Mlýn, 543 51


+420 770 195 090

Contact Form

Company management

Ing. Bohumil Španihel


Ing. Petra Gottfried

Finance and development projects

Zdeněk Pražan

+420 770 195 090

Building Management and Construction projects

Petr Kratochvíl

+420 734 258 550

Marketing & PR

Ing. Petra Gottfried

+420 499 433 360

Office and accounting

Ing. Jiří Jelínek

+420 775 126 469

Felicity Hotels Accommodation

Dis. Alena Fridrichová

+420 770 106 077

Timber Buildings – Production

Blanka Kubová

+420 773 787 570

Timber Buildings – Sales

Ing. Dalibor Dvořák

+420 603 262 672

Sídlo společnosti

Informace pro vás

Copyright © 2022 – ABM REAL. Všechna práva vyhrazena.
Vytvořili Trockenmann